The Future of Intercountry Adoption


Last week, I was able to attend the Christian Alliance for Orphans annual conference, entitled SUMMIT. It has been referred to as “the show” of orphan care conferences. I have found this to be true, as it covers subjects ranging from foster care to intercountry adoption.

The conference theme was “What Matters Most” and it was shared among most keynote speakers during the General Sessions. It was encouraging those in attendance to pray about what was most important to them, and focus on those items in (orphan care) ministry that truly “matter most.”

I found each keynote address different and inspiring. Ranging from the importance of long-range perspective (in foster care and adoption) to justice being a gospel issue (not a social issue).


I was looking forward to many of the breakout sessions at Summit. one in particular entitled, “Changing the Trajectory of Intercountry Adoption.” Friends were also looking forward to hearing the workshop via Facebook Live. One even messaged me a question to ask during the session. Watch the video HERE.

There are important issues facing the adoption community. Intercountry adoptions continue to decline. There was an overall feeling of hushed depression (and maybe a little anxiety?) in the room.


Each representative gave their opinions, some more freely than others.

The rep from the National Council for Adoption seemed to highlight changes yet needed in our national government. What were your takeaways on what he had to say?

The representatives from two adoption agencies appeared to be concerned regarding the decline in numbers of children being (or not being) adopted. What was said that caught your attention?

The representative from the Congressional Coalition on Adoption was strong on one point — parents that had adopted from other countries should make sure to complete every follow up report due. She emphasized that countries closed due to United States adoptive parents failing to file such reports. Did she say anything else that you remember?

The video will prove me out, however, I recognize I carry bias. I am passionate about the life-saving gift that intercountry adoption is. Perhaps I have become overly sensitive to what sticks with me, and what doesn’t?

I left the workshop session feeling reassured by one thing — my faith. My faith is in the Father to the fatherless. He alone holds the future, including that of intercountry adoption. This workshop did not encourage a bright future of intercountry adoptions, however, it will keep me in prayer regarding it.

What are your thoughts after listening to the video? Leave your comments below.