The 700 Club Interview – “I Call You Mine”
It was quite the experience…
I was flown to Virginia Beach, Virginia, on Thursday, November 29. After a lovely dinner at the beautifully decorated The Founder’s Inn, I went to bed early.
An early morning followed. I even had time to enjoy a little breakfast before meeting the guest coordinator. We drove to the CBN television studio.
After securing my things in the Green Room, I was taken to the makeup room.
Then to the Hair Salon.
Back to the Green Room for some water, then my first interview with two beautiful young women, The Soul Sisters.
Back to the Green Room for prayer and a few minutes of relaxation. Before I knew it, I was being walked to the Christmas (Live) Set, in front of a small audience.
As they tested my mic, I was briefed about the interview flow, and the countdown began…5-4-3-2-1.
I have little recollection of what happened next. I am so glad it was recorded so I could see what I said!
God is such a gracious Father. May many be encouraged to adoption and orphan via “I Call You Mine” but the interview, as well.
Thank you CBN, New Hope Publishers, and Immanuel Church (my home church) for your faith in our ministry, Nourished Hearts, and my inspirational writing, speaking and media. I thank and praise God for His provision, patience and grace.